Saturday, July 28, 2012

24Hr Digital Clock and Alarm Circuit Using Logic ICs - CD4017 CD4026

[Updated] 06/05/2018 - Added Month and Date Reset Feature This is my first clock project, and used logic IC such as 4017, 4026 to build this clock circuit. Its include Date, Day, and Hourly alarm.See below picture. Preview It’s very complicated at first sight. But it is not. First of all you can build main circuit and check it work or not.If the circuit work fine, then add other parts step by step to the circuit. If it’s not work check...

64x8 LED Matrix Moving Display Circuit - 18F2550

Matrix Display LED dot matrices are very popular and it can displaying information such as both static and animated text and images. you can see it at gas stations displaying the gas prices, or in the public places and alongside highways, displaying advertisements on large dot matrix panels. In this project, we can use LED dot matrix interface with a micro-controller to display static characters and symbols. This circuit of a Dot Matrix is...

Friday, July 27, 2012

12 24Hr Big LED Digital Clock Circuit - 16F84

Few years ago I build a 24Hr clock using logic ICs. It’s work nicely but little complex to beginners. So I think build clock using pic IC. Check the below picture. Hope you like it. 16F84 digital clock It’s very easy to build and time accuracy is 99.999%. Because I use a clock circuit to generate the 1Hz pulse. It drive the clock. Use well smoothest power supply to give power to the circuit. Preview of clock Use '16F84A_12Hr.Hex' for...

Seven Segment Up Counter and Timer Circuit - 16F628

Circuit diagram The project shows what can be done with a micro and you can modify it to set an alarm at any count-value or set a limit such as 'count-to-60'. You can add a buzzer or relay or increase the display to 3 digits. You need to remember that each additional display will reduce the illumination of each digit as they are 'multiplexed (time-sharing)'. Full circuit diagram including programming socket. The displays do not affect the 'In...

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    s mHär är en lista över populära casin…
  • Liem Lolapo
    Liem LolapoGa bakal dijawab om, saya komen dar…
  • Mehmet
    MehmetSelam program hangi dilde derlendi.…
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    Mbah Surip DesignCan u help me with source code of t…
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