Sunday, November 1, 2020

AN7223 LM7001 PLL FM Stereo Tuner, JQ8400 USB MP3, Bluetooth Audio Player - 16F690

Audio Player This is my new project, 3 in 1 audio player that design for my amplifier. It built in FM radio, USB player and Bluetooth module. Also include a simple mixer with op-amp. Bottom PCB Top PCB Side View For tuner section I used AN7223 and TA7343 and for PLL here I used LM7001 low cost IC. JQ8400 used for USB function and it controlled by a PIC16F690 microcontroller. U can use any Bluetooth audio module for this. I used MH-M18 Bluetooth...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

JQ8400 MP3 Voice Module Microe C code

Previously I wrote a post about well-known voice module of DFPlayer Mini. Today I would like to write a post of advance chip, JQ8400. The main advantages of this chip are; Inquiry of the file name Inquiry of duration of the current audioInquiry of playback duration Fast backward Fast forward, etc. Jq8400 Module JQ8400 module is a SOC solution that combines a 16bit MCU with an ADSP specialized in audio decoding. By using hardware decoding method,...

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

OProg - Open Source USB Programmer - 18F2550

Recently I found a programmer from internet. This programmer is completely free and open source. It used few components and working well. I make some changes to it. You can find the original one from here. Prototype Advantages of this programmer are; Completely free and Open Source (including firmware) Programs PIC, dsPIC, ATMEL, EEPROM (I2C, SPI, MicroWire, OneWire, UNIO) Can work as ICD debugger USB 2.0 Full Speed interface Self-powered Doesn't...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

7 Band Real Time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Circuit - 16F819 BA3834S

16F819 Audio Spectrum Analyzer This is the new version of my previous spectrum analyzer. Used PIC16F819 microcontroller and BA3834 Band-pass filter for spectrum analyzer. It has two versions, BA3834S and BA3834F. Here i used BA3834S. BA3834 are 7-band, band-pass filter ICs that use microprocessor time division to produce serial output for spectrum analyzer displays. To minimize the number of attached components required and enable compact and...

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    s mHär är en lista över populära casin…
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    Liem LolapoGa bakal dijawab om, saya komen dar…
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    MehmetSelam program hangi dilde derlendi.…
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    Mbah Surip DesignCan u help me with source code of t…
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