Sunday, April 12, 2015

USB Controlled 8x40 Dot Matrix Moving Display Circuit - 18F2550

2015-04-12 Initial release 2015-04-16 Wrong Configuration Bits - Fixed This dot matrix moving display message board will be of five, 8x8 dot matrix, which will be able to display 10 different messages and maximum 60 characters of each. You can set messages by using PC application that created by me using visual basic and those messages will show on matrix display. When the circuit is disconnected form PC then default messages displayed...

Friday, April 3, 2015

USB HID Bootloader Circuit - 18F4550

Update: 28/11/2015 If you are use mikroC PRO, then tick the Long Hex format in output settings and rename the generated hex file to scp.hex. Finally run mod.exe. It will generate new hex file (mod.hex) and use it with PICDEM software. Otherwise, program may not work correctly. Boot-loader is a program which helps to program the micro-controller device without using external programmer. It is possible to burn the hex code even if the PC doesn't...

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  • s m
    s mHär är en lista över populära casin…
  • Liem Lolapo
    Liem LolapoGa bakal dijawab om, saya komen dar…
  • Mehmet
    MehmetSelam program hangi dilde derlendi.…
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    Mbah Surip DesignCan u help me with source code of t…
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    Liem LolapoStill waiting for the demo code, fi…
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