Saturday, August 30, 2014

LM35 Simple Thermometer Circuit with LCD - 16F818

Thermometer In modern world, analog equipment and device are converting in to digital format. To do this mostly used sensors. There are many cool sensors available now days, ranging from IR distance sensor modules, accelerometers, humidity sensors, temperature sensors etc. but many of these sensors are analog in nature. That means they give a voltage output that varies directly (and linearly) with the sensed quantity. For example in LM35 temperature...

Friday, August 29, 2014

Simple LCD Spectrum Analizer Demo Circuit - 16F628

Spectrum analyzers are widely used within the electronics industry for analyzing the frequency spectrum of radio frequency, RF and audio signals. Looking at the spectrum of a signal, they are able to reveal elements of the signal, and the performance of the circuit producing them that would not be possible using other means. Audio spectrum analyzer shows you a detailed picture of what you are hearing in real-time, that is, as it happens. You...

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Digital Combination Lock Circuit with Keypad and LCD - 16F628

Digital Lock Now day’s ordinary locks are replace with digital locks. Those have very advanced features such as digital display, keypad, fingerprint recognized etc. Therefore, I decided to build basic digital lock with LCD display and keypad. This is a micro-controller based digital lock circuit and it used PIC16F628A. 16x2 LCD is used for the display information and keypad is used for enter the code. (#) will clear the code and (*) will enter...

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Scrolling Seven Segment Display Circuit - 16F628

Preview Many electronic hobbyists are very much interested about build scrolling displays. Most of the time this circuits used matrix displays. However, its cost is high and almost complex to build. Therefore, I try to build a scrolling displays circuit using the seven segments displays because these are cheaper than matrix displays and we can be easily build circuit. This circuit is very simple. To build this circuit I used PIC16F628A micro-controller...

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    s mHär är en lista över populära casin…
  • Liem Lolapo
    Liem LolapoGa bakal dijawab om, saya komen dar…
  • Mehmet
    MehmetSelam program hangi dilde derlendi.…
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    Mbah Surip DesignCan u help me with source code of t…
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    Liem LolapoStill waiting for the demo code, fi…
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