Saturday, April 26, 2014

4 Digit Seven Segment Up Counter Circuit - 16F628

In the past I posted a counter and timer circuit and it is used two seven segment displays to display number and it can only count 0-99. you can see it from here. This circuit was developed version of it. This project shows cheap and accurate up counter and it can count up to 9999 and then it will start from 0. For this circuit i used PIC16F628A micro-controller and four common cathode seven segment displays. Any 7-Segment displays will work in...

Friday, April 25, 2014

Infrared Remote Control Transmitter and Receiver Circuit - 16F628 12F683

Updated [Sep 14, 2014] Fixed some bugs on IR_Tx.hex Increased Accuracy This is a general purpose remote control project with 16 channels and using PIC16F628 for transmitter & 12F683 for receiver side. Remote controls usually consist of encoder/decoder parts connected to a transmitter/receiver module which takes care of the transmission of digital signals by radio or infra waves.The transmitter has a varying number of buttons and sends the...

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    s mHär är en lista över populära casin…
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    Liem LolapoGa bakal dijawab om, saya komen dar…
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    MehmetSelam program hangi dilde derlendi.…
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    Mbah Surip DesignCan u help me with source code of t…
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