Thursday, August 23, 2012

2 Way AC Flasher

Preview Schematic you can change speed by adjusting RV1  Please be careful! This circuit is directly connected with AC ...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

LED Multivibrator

Preview Schematic If you want change speed of blinking then change values of  C1 and C2. increased values of C1,C2 will decrease speed. Supply Voltage 3-6...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

LB1403 LED Sound Level Indicator Circuit

Preview This is a another sound level meter circuit using LB1403N. You can use this for any audio system such as Amplifier, Radio, or TV. As well as you can use this either ac level meters such as vu meters or dc level meters such as signal meters. Features of LB1403N Capable of generating a bar-display for input voltage with 5 LEDs. Operates from either AC or DC input voltage because of on-chip rectifier amplifier. Lighting levels remain...

Monday, August 20, 2012

LED Knight Rider Circuits - CD4017 NE555

Everyone like to build LED Knight Rider circuits, specially beginners and little kids. So I will post some knight rider circuits and you can find different pattern of the knight rider circuit from here. LED Knight Rider 1 Pattern 1 Preview Pattern 1 Circuit In this circuit LED is running one by one from D1 to D10. after D10, its star from D1 and this will continue until power is disconnected. LED Knight Rider 2 Pattern 2 Preview Pattern...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

7 Band Spectrum Analyzer Circuit using OP Amps

Spectrum Analyzer Circuit Preview You can use this circuit for build your own spectrum analyzer for amplifier or any audio equipments. In this post i will not show the sound level meter circuit and this is only the circuit of the band pass filter for the analyzer. you need to connect outputs of this circuit with sound level indicator circuits such as LB1403 , AN6877 to get full circuit. you need totally 8 of sound level indicator circuits....

AN6877 - AN6878 LED VU Meter Circuit

Preview This is a sound level meter circuit based on AN6877 and AN6878 series. you can use this for any audio system such as Amplifier, Radio, or TV. The AN6877 and AN6878 are monolithic integrated circuit driving 7 LED s. The AN6877 respond linearly and the AN6878 does logarithmically for input signal. As output current adjusting pin is set, it can control LED brightness. (by changing value of Rc) Features   7 LED bar graph display...

PIC16F88 Seven Segment Digital Clock Circuit

In the beginning, I posted a clock that used PIC16F84A micro-controller. You can see it here. PIC16F84A is very old IC and it has very less functions. Therefore, today I post a developed version of that clock. It used PIC16F88 micro-controller. PIC16F88 built in many features such as large memory, internal oscillator, ADC and many more. In addition, we can use this IC for our future projects. Preview Circuit Created On Dot board You can...

Friday, August 17, 2012

Simple Light Sensor Circuit

Preview If you need to turn on any device at morning, then you can use this circuit. This is a light sensor and you can control any device by connecting it through the relay. The relay was activated when the around is light or when we focus a light to the surface of the LDR.The circuit is very simple and you can use a dot board to assemble it and use any power supply to give power. If you have a 9v or 6v relay then decrease the input voltage...

Simple Dark Sensor Circuit

Preview If you need a bulb to light up automatically at night, then you can use this circuit. This is a dark sensor and you can control any device by connecting it through the relay. The relay was activated when the nearby is dark or when we covered the surface of  the LDR.The circuit is very simple and you can use a dot board to assemble it and use any power supply to give power. If you have a 9v or 6v relay then decrease the input voltage...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

JDM - A Simple PIC Programmer Circuit

Circuit on dot Board The JDM programmer is one of the simplest PIC programmers available. The design comes from the excellent JDM low cost programmer. It connects direct to the PC serial port using Windows driver software IC-Prog for easy programming. No external power supply is required and a simple board layout is given requiring no special PCB manufacture. Note that the design is limited to the PIC series (12F, 16F and 18F) of chips and cannot...

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    Liem LolapoGa bakal dijawab om, saya komen dar…
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    MehmetSelam program hangi dilde derlendi.…
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    Mbah Surip DesignCan u help me with source code of t…
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