Sunday, April 19, 2020

7 Band Real Time Audio Spectrum Analyzer Circuit - 16F819 BA3834S

16F819 Audio Spectrum Analyzer
16F819 Audio Spectrum Analyzer

This is the new version of my previous spectrum analyzer. Used PIC16F819 microcontroller and BA3834 Band-pass filter for spectrum analyzer. It has two versions, BA3834S and BA3834F. Here i used BA3834S. BA3834 are 7-band, band-pass filter ICs that use microprocessor time division to produce serial output for spectrum analyzer displays. To minimize the number of attached components required and enable compact and reliable designs, all of the capacitors for the filters are on the chip. So we can build spectrum analyzer easily

16f819 analizer circuit
Analizer circuit

This circuit included 11 modes (9 patterns, off and random) and it shows which pattern currently running at start-up (S1, S2, etc.). In off mode it shows S0 on display and S+ for random mode. The pattern mode saved to Eeprom to run at next power up. In random mode it changes its pattern in every 3.5 minutes.
PCB, Circuit, and hex available in below

16f819 analizer
16f819 analizer pcb
16f819 analizer pcb

1 comment:

  1. The schematic contains a failure! The array IC is not the ULN2003A but the ULN2803AD.
    Which microcontrollers can be used instead of the 16F819?
